Rotarian John Beking introduced tonight's speaker, Sheila Dykstra.....

Rotarian John Beking introduced tonight's speaker, Sheila Dykstra.

Sheila is a missionary in west Africa with the Christian Reformed Mission. her primary function is teaching teachers how to teach. While the teacher's colleges give instruction on specific course material, there is no actual instruction on how to present it, maintain classroom control or any other intricacies of the class room. Teaching ironically is not a valued profession and is filled with those who didn't make it into other professions. 15% of those teaching in some of the areas she covers could not pass our grade 4 curriculum. Sheila tries to instill a sense of professionalism into those she mentors.


 Display of local crafts as well as some of the materials used in the teaching carriculum


ImageSheila being thanked for her presentation by Rotarian Ken.